Sensory Friendly Sundays
Our goal is to offer children with special needs and sensory processing differences the opportunity to visit the Museum in a much more intimate environment. Sensory-friendly Museum time is designated to children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD), different processing needs, as well as children with special / medical requirements to have a fun, enjoyable and interactive experience in a comfortable and peaceful space. Prior to opening, the Museum staff will lower the lights and sound, and determine appropriate textures to add to the Imagineering Lab.
for kids with special needs or sensory processing differences
first Sundays of each month, 3-5:30pm
third Sundays of each month, 9:30am-12pm
how much?
$4 admission, free for members
Museum modifications
- less crowded environment
- light and sound reduction
- extra visual safety signage
- designated quiet rooms
FCM provides the following
- ear defenders for overstimulating sounds (headphones)
- weighted lap pads (blankets)
- weighted vests
- softening light filters for overstimulating lights
This program is sponsored by
Take a look at our continuous exhibits when you plan your visit!