Baby Mingle
Meet, mingle & generate friendships with other caregivers and share milestone stories with the group. Learn about new developments in early childhood education, take home resources from community partners, and have time for your babies to play in a relaxed and comfortable environment.

who can come?
new or returning caregivers (new parents, grandparents, nannies, foster parents, etc) and babies (birth to 24 months).
admission is free for caregivers and children under the age of 2. Older siblings are encouraged to visit during regular scheduled playtimes.
first Wednesday of each month, 9-10am
third Saturday of each month, 9-10am
at the Museum, before we open!
what else?
visiting practitioners, quiet environment, and baby playtime
community partners include Chena Health, FMH, TVC, ThrivAlaska, RCPC, ACRF and others

Baby Mingle was made possible by a grant from the Golden Heart Community Foundation, an Affiliate of the Alaska Community Foundation.
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